How Much Time Does It Take To Write A Proposal?


How much time does it take to write a proposal

When we talk about proposal writing, time is an essential component to consider. But how much time does it take to write a proposal? It usually takes 6 weeks to craft a proposal; however, the answer lies in understanding the factors that influence proposal writing. There are various factors, such as proposal complexity, collaboration, customization, and experience level, that affect the proposal writing process. There will be times when you’ll be required to work on tight deadlines of 2-3 weeks. This mostly happens if the prospect has specifically asked for a brief letter of interest. However, generally, it takes around six weeks to create a fully presentable proposal.

In this blog, we’ll discuss the factors that affect the writing time one by one. By understanding these factors, you’ll be able to plan better and maybe enhance the proposal writing time, leading to faster turnaround times and increased closure rates.

Factors That Affect How Much Time Does It Take To Write A Proposal

There are several factors to consider while drafting a proposal, from researching to presenting everything under one roof. Well, this section is all about the factors that influence writing time, as well as some strategies that may help you meet deadlines.

Complexity of the proposal :

The first factor affecting your proposal’s writing time is proposal complexity. It’s important to understand what kind of proposal you are writing and how complex or technical it is. Most of the time, you’’ have to work in shorter windows of 2-3 weeks leaving you with less time to actually write a proposal and focus more on the research part. 

Let’s analyze in detail how much time it takes to write a proposal, considering you have a shorter window. So, first, you’ll be starting with your research, which should not take more than a week. Then comes the project planning part; this is a crucial part of any business proposal, so ensure you take enough time to craft a strategy that instantly hits your prospect. So, at this point, you can take 7-10 days weeks to craft and finalize the strategy. Now that you’re left with the actual writing part take the last 3-4 days to write and review the proposal and ensure it’s crystal clear for your prospect.

Read more: How to write a technical proposal

Read more: How to write a contract proposal

Read more: How to write a business proposal letter

Focus on Customization:

Personalization is key to grabbing the prospect’s attention. Remember, It’s always about them, never about you. The average time to write a proposal will be highly dependent on the customization according to the client’s needs. Now that we know you’d be required to actually have a deeper understanding of the client’s requirements, we suggest you focus more on the research part and less on the writing part.

Once you’re done with the research section, focus more on how to present it, as it’s a more customized proposal, and focusing on the presentation will be much more beneficial. We believe this whole process should not take more than 3-4 weeks.

Ease of Collaboration:

This is where you lose time, leading to extended deadlines. Creating a proposal is not usually a one-person job, right? It’s a collaborative effort of a team. So, most of the time, when a proposal is created, it is sent for feedback; with this, you go on to the edits. Now, this is where the editing part gets tricky. While editing might seem a faster job than actually writing the proposal, it isn’t. This loop will continue until a perfect proposal isn’t ready for the clients. 

So, to save yourself from this struggle, keep the communication crystal clear with the team. Make sure they know what to write, what tone to use, and every minute detail that needs to be added. What if we tell you you can ease your collaboration process? Yes, with the super proposal’s collaboration feature, you can easily communicate with your team in real-time and get edits done faster. We believe with super proposal, your proposal creation with edits should not exceed more than 3-5 days.

Writer’s Experience Level:

Writers play a major role in defining how much time it takes to write a proposal. The writer’s skills and experience matter a lot while creating a proposal. They should be aware of how to present the strategy that has been framed and present it in a way that feels more personalized. If you have a writer who has less experience, chances are the duration of creation will be longer than usual. 

So, the writer must understand your needs and the needs of the prospect. This way, they can cater to both by balancing your strategy and their mindset.

Explore the Quickest way to proposal creation! Tools and Efficiency:

Now that we’ve elaborated on how much time it generally takes to write a proposal, it’s too much if you’re on a short deadline, like 3-4 days. But what if we told you there’s a hack to create this faster? We know you’re all ears. There are various proposal design tools, like a super proposal, that have pre-built templates. All you have to do is choose yours and get started with the editing. 

Super proposal not only simplifies your proposal creation process it can help you overcome most of the challenges that arise. It has features for collaboration, so real-time edits can be seen and done by the team. You can directly share the proposal with your client through the platform and track when he sees and signs the proposal. Another interesting feature it offers is legally binding signatures, so you don’t have to run around looking for multiple tools to do these things. Super proposal has it all for you in just one place.


Let’s run through the factors that affect writing time. Starting with the type of proposal you’re creating, it’s important to understand technical projects will require longer durations as they are more research-intensive. Collaboration and the writer’s skills are also the major things that affect the timing of completion. However, we have introduced an amazing proposal creation tool, “super proposal,” that will help you fasten your writing process. This tool has features that can help your clutter by providing everything in one place.

Want to shut the clutter and close deals faster? Book a demo today or get a 15-day free trial!

Read more: How to write a rationale in a project proposal?

Read more: How Long Should A Proposal Be? (What Data Says)

Read more:How to get a contract signed quickly

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  • Angelica Naidu Super Proposal Writer

    Angelica is a content strategist passionate about helping B2B SaaS companies tell their stories and drive results. With years of experience creating content for software-based industries, she develops strategies to grow and scale Super Proposal on search engines.

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Angelica Naidu
Angelica Naidu
Angelica is a content strategist passionate about helping B2B SaaS companies tell their stories and drive results. With years of experience creating content for software-based industries, she develops strategies to grow and scale Super Proposal on search engines.

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