How Long Should A Proposal Be? (What Data Says)



A business proposal is a document that highlights your uniqueness, your expertise, and what sets you apart.

A good proposal is a thin line between making or breaking your business deal, yet many people cannot create a compelling one. The major question every professional asks is what the appropriate length of a proposal is. Well, that’s why we’re here. This blog will help you understand how long should your proposal be and what are the important things to consider while writing a proposal.

So, how long should a proposal be? Well, the answer is not that simple. Various things affect the length of a proposal. 

However, research states that the ideal length of a proposal is between 11 and 13 pages (yup, you read that right!). 

But again, the fact is there’s no one single number that anybody can say. Multiple facts define the length of the proposal: the type of proposal you’re creating, the industry you’re catering to, your client, and much more. 

Let’s understand the things to keep in mind while defining the length of your proposal:

  • Type of proposal: A research proposal is usually a longer document, ranging from 15 to 20 pages. If we talk about B2B, proposals that focus on key benefits, services, pricing, etc., range from 10 to 11 pages. 
  • Industry or niche: Proposals for creative industries like marketing and graphic design are usually shorter. This is because these proposals have more visuals than content. However, if we talk about a proposal for government contracts or technical projects, then the page limit would increase as it requires a lot of information to be showcased.
  • Clients’ needs and perspectives: At the end of the day, we are all trying to impress the clients, right? So, it’s important to put your clients first and plan your proposals accordingly. Some clients prefer a short and crisp proposal where they can see everything right in front. At the same time, some prefer a detailed descriptive proposal.


Keep a strong start; if you start well, there is a high chance the client will stay and read the whole document with utmost interest. A business proposal introduction should include a brief overview of the company, the purpose of the proposal, and a summary of the services you’re willing to offer. 

Again, the length of an introduction depends on your analysis of the client. However, we always suggest keeping it concise and direct and making sure you write it in a way that holds the reader’s attention.

Service description

This section is all about presenting your product/services. Here, we suggest you get detailed and descriptive because it’s important that your client understand your services and how they will impact their business. So, the most important strategy is to focus on the client’s pain points; when you do that, you already have all their attention. Now, you just have to keep the focus on their pain points while elaborating on how you will be able to help them overcome those challenges. Make sure to use a language that is simple and readable to avoid any technical terms that the client might not understand.

Process and timescales

The next very important aspect to include in a proposal is a roadmap. Guide your clients on how you will accomplish the target that you’ve mentioned in your services description. Help them understand by breaking down the job into smaller and reasonable goals so that they also understand you’re not overpromising.  Doing this will also enhance your credibility by ensuring you have the right resources.

Case study

Include a case study or example of a similar project you’ve completed in the past. This should demonstrate your expertise and show the client how you’ve delivered successful projects before. Use real numbers and statistics to illustrate the impact of your work.


This is where the client’s interest lies. Clearly outline the investment required for the post. It should include any cost, fee, or other expenses that will incur during the project duration.  Transparency is the key in this section. It is always beneficial to provide a detailed breakdown of all the expenses. Lastly, ensure that the services you offer are worth each penny the client pays. 


Offer a guarantee or warranty that gives the client peace of mind. This could be a satisfaction guarantee, a results-based guarantee, or a guarantee of quality. Ensure you’re standing behind your work and the client knows they’re protected.

Terms and Conditions

This is a very important section for both the parties. Terms and conditions help you and your client to have a clear understanding of what will happen in various scenarios. This should include legal requirements, payment terms and conditions.  But ensure both parties are equally protected. 

Next steps

Guide your client as to what to do next if they’re interested in taking this deal forward. Here, you must include the contact details and a catchy call to action. The more persuasive this section is, the higher the chances of getting a YES. 

Read more: How to write a proposal executive summary

Read more: How to write a business proposal letter

How Can A Super Proposal Help Close More Deals?

As we mentioned before, the length of a business proposal depends on various factors.  Sometimes, it’s not really about the actual length of the proposal. There are many factors to consider that help you close deals like pro. Here are a few ways Super Proposal can help in improving your closing rates:

  • Pre-designed templates 

Our immersive platform offers 120+ pre-designed templates that you can use. With features like drag and drop and ease of use, it will help you craft compelling proposals to impress clients. 

  • Tracking 

As soon as you and your team are ready with the proposal, you can share it with the client through our platform. There is no need to struggle with downloading and mailing. This feature also allows you to track when the client accepts your proposal, which is not possible if done through email or other such medium. 

  • Legally binding signatures 

When the client is satisfied with your proposal and is ready for you to offer the services, they will not have to struggle with signing. We have an inbuilt, legally binding signature that lets them accept the offer here. 

Intrigued to know more about our platform? Get a 15-day free trial today and close deals faster.

Try our online digital signature.


A well-crafted proposal is a game changer for business owners/ service providers. You can improve your close rates by understanding the essential elements of a winning proposal, determining the ideal length, and using practical tips to create a compelling document. 

Remember, a proposal is not just a document but also a key to building client trust and credibility. By investing time, research, and energy in your proposal, you can ensure that it directly addresses the client’s pain points and helps them understand how your solution can help them overcome those issues. 

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  • Angelica Naidu Super Proposal Writer

    Angelica is a content strategist passionate about helping B2B SaaS companies tell their stories and drive results. With years of experience creating content for software-based industries, she develops strategies to grow and scale Super Proposal on search engines.

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Angelica Naidu
Angelica Naidu
Angelica is a content strategist passionate about helping B2B SaaS companies tell their stories and drive results. With years of experience creating content for software-based industries, she develops strategies to grow and scale Super Proposal on search engines.

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