Emails for Proposal Submissions: 4 Methods With 5 Samples


Emails for Proposal Submissions with 5 Samples

Submitting a proposal to your client involves more than just attaching it to an email. This email is your first opportunity to make a good impression and can greatly affect the client’s decision.

Want to know how you could write an outstanding proposal email? Are you looking for the best way to present your proposal so that client’s will give you a response?

This blog will answer these questions for you. You will learn best practices for creating proposal emails that could win them a contact or client. It includes useful proposal email templates for various scenarios and explains how to structure your email.

To capture the client’s attention, your email should be consistent with your brand, appear professional, and communicate a clear goal. Here’s why it matters:

  • Matching your brand means using words, layout, and style that fit your company’s image. You can use a formal or easygoing tone, depending on your brand. The essential thing is to maintain consistency.
  • Professionalism is also vital. People who may become your clients will assess your credibility based on your language, email design, and general quality. Always look for faults to ensure there is no space for error.
  • Keep your email focused and short. Each line should provide value, like pointing out key ideas or informing the client of the next steps. Long and complicated emails can make the client lose interest.

4 Methods for writing emails for proposal submission (with samples)

To capture the client’s attention, your email should be consistent with your brand, appear professional, and communicate a clear goal. Here’s why it matters:

  • Matching your brand means using words, layout, and style that fit your company’s image. You can use a formal or easygoing tone, depending on your brand. The essential thing is to maintain consistency.
  • Professionalism is also vital. People who may become your clients will assess your credibility based on your language, email design, and general quality. Always look for faults to ensure there is no space for error.
  • Keep your email focused and short. Each line should provide value, like pointing out key ideas or informing the client of the next steps. Long and complicated emails can make the client lose interest.

1. Short and sweet

This email writing method recognizes that your client wants to focus on your proposal and not the email. That’s why it is kept short and to the point. It’s simple and straightforward – nothing more, nothing less.


Subject: [Project Name] Proposal Enclosed

Dear [Client Name],

Hope you’re doing well. Based on our conversation earlier, I have come up with the best ideas that might help solve [mention the client’s pain points]. 

Here’s a quick overview of our ideas – 

  • [Provide quick overview of your strategies]

I have prepared a proposal based on your needs. Check out this – [link].

We look forward to addressing this further. Please schedule a meeting at your convenience at [meeting link] and do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

Short and sweet email sample

Hi [Client name],

I hope you are doing well. I really appreciated our talk earlier this week. I’ve created a proposal [add proposal link] to help you take your business to the next level.

The proposal includes details about brand strategy, influencer marketing, and social media marketing strategy. I am eager to know your thoughts regarding this.

I would love to schedule a call next week to discuss our proposal and answer any questions. Please reply with a convenient time and date.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.

Why this template works:

  • Using the client’s name lends a personal touch and fosters connection.
  • The introduction succinctly summarizes the proposal’s purpose and gives beneficial suggestions for capturing the client’s attention without being too long.
  • Closing with a chance to talk more or ask questions encourages back-and-forth and shows readiness to help further.

Full executive summary

This next method is more detailed and effective. You can start your email with a statement of gratitude and then define the problem and its financial impact in one to two sentences. Describe your desired outcome in one to two sentences, outlining your goals. 

Present your suggested solution, outlining how you plan to handle the issue and including the recommended pricing in a single line. Discuss risk reduction briefly before concluding with the next steps.


Subject: [Project Name] Proposal: Executive Summary

Dear [Client Name],

I’m pleased to present our proposal for [Project Name]. Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect from this proposal.

[Summary of the client’s challenges and your solutions in 2-3 sentences]

[Brief description of the strategy or unique approach in 2-3 sentences]

[Three to five major outcomes or results the client can expect]

[Put in a sentence for meeting or call to discuss the proposal in detail]

We are confident that our proposal [provide proposal link here] addresses your unique needs and delivers exceptional value.


[Your Name]

Full executive summary sample

Hi [Client name],

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Thank you for taking the time last week to address your concerns. We developed a proposal to increase your website traffic and generate leads. The proposal can be found at [proposal link].

We understand there are specific pain points in the current market landscape, and one of those that you face must be a decrease in website traffic. To address this, we have a solution that is precisely aligned with your business. 

To increase your website traffic and lead generation by 10x, we recommend the following strategy: 

  • Our content marketing strategy includes action plans, blog posts, social media content, and video creation.
  • SEO optimization includes performing keyword research and optimizing title tags and meta descriptions depending on those keywords.

Let’s schedule a meeting to go over this concept in detail. Please let me know when you are available, or schedule a meeting through this link – [meeting link].

Thank you.

Why this template works:

  • A template starts with a personal welcome and then presents the proposal. This makes the customer feel important and involved.
  • It gives an overview of what the client’s pain points are with the solution proposed. This enables the client to know what is in store.
  • The template makes it easier for clients to visualize the good things that come from accepting the proposal by listing expected results.

Mini executive summary

A mini executive summary helps you open up the proposal about what the reader can expect to find. It enables context and clarity when a few words are written. The important elements here are the thank you statement, the reference to the client’s issues or desired outcomes, and the proposed plan of action.


Subject: [Project Name] Proposal: A Glimpse Inside

Hi [Client Name],

I hope you’re doing well. We extensively examined your needs and identified the best solution for your organization. 

This proposal will give you insight into your [customer’s] problems as well as how we can help you achieve [customer’s desired successful outcome] within [timeline].

Let’s understand this proposal in depth. Here’s a link [proposal link]. You can book a call [meeting link] if you have any questions. Thank you so much for your time and attention.


[Your Name]

Mini executive summary sample

Hi [Client name],

Hope you are doing great! During our last meeting, you shared how you are planning to expand your business but with a limited budget.

We understand your want to employ a new event management firm while saving money on your contract. Well, we have kept all your ideas in mind and have created a proposal for you. Here is the link – [Proposal Link].

Our proposal will describe how we can simplify your service, saving you money while maintaining the same level of great service. A breakdown of the contract fees is included in the proposal. We have worked very hard to check up on the major concerns and how to solve them within your budget.

Please review this proposal and get back to us if you have any queries.

Thank you.

Why this template works:

  • The introduction puts grabs the client’s interest and encourages them to read the proposal.
  • Showing you understand the client’s wants and needs proves that the pitch is made just for them, which builds credibility.
  • Pointing out the main parts of the pitch focuses on what to look forward to in the proposal and insists the client open the link.

Assume the sale

This approach involves composing emails pretending you have already onboarded a new client, instead of selling your services. By assuming the sale, you express confidence, which can boost conversions. Concentrate on the following stages or first project phases. However, avoid sounding overconfident, particularly when contacting large businesses.


Subject: [Project Name] Proposal: Ready to Get Started?

Dear [Client Name],

I hope you’re doing great! Consider reviewing the proposal we’ve made for your organisation. Here is the URL to the proposal: [proposal link].

Here’s how [Your Company Name] may benefit your business:

  • [Briefly outline the unique selling point of this proposition]
  • [Outline the timetable and expenditures, as needed]
  • [Invite them for a meeting to discuss project details]

If you have questions regarding the proposal, then let’s hop on a call [meeting link]. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

Assume sales sample

Hi [Client Name],

Hope this message finds you well. Our company is looking forward to collaborating with you. We are excited to share our proposal based on our recent conversation. Here’s the link to the same – [proposal link].

Next week, we will start with our strategy session, where our Digital Marketing Lead will guide you through the tasks. In the proposal, we have described the timeline of the project and the expected outcomes. If you have any questions regarding this, you can ask him/her during that session.

Our aim is to have your new brand ready for launch by [Launch Date].

Feel free to reach out; we are here to help you!


Why this template works:

  • The template is a simple proposal outline that includes a customizable plan, timing, and investment information.
  • Emphasizing that the solution is suited to the client’s demands strengthens the proposal’s value and demonstrates that their unique issues are being met.
  • Inviting the customer to raise questions promotes open discussion, demonstrates a commitment to collaboration, and ensures that problems are handled quickly.

Read more: Sample Follow-up Email to Client After Sending a Proposal

Proposal email templates & examples

Let’s look at few customizable templates for various purposes, such as selling engineering services, partnerships, or marketing experience. Remember to customize these templates to match your brand, value proposition, and customer requirements.

Email Proposal for Engineering Services

proposal email submission template

Subject: Innovative Engineering Solutions for [Project/Client Name]


Dear [Client Name],

Following receipt of your RFP, we extensively examined your needs for [service specifics] and produced the best solution for your organization.

Here’s the link to the full proposal – [Proposal link].

We understand you’re encountering issues with your business in the following ways: [Specific Challenges]. So, we’ve devised X strategies that are appropriate for [industry details].

The entire project would thereby take [timeline], which would cost about [cost].

We are aware of this project’s complexity and have kept that in mind while creating your proposal. 

Please do not hesitate to ask in case you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.


[Your Name]

Email Proposal for Software Solution

Subject line: Smoothen Your Workflow with [Software Name]


Hi [Client Name],

During the previous days’ meetings, it was decided that the following are the minimal requirements that should be taken care of when it comes to [software solution name]:

  • [Details of the project]
  • [Complete list of requirements]

Here’s a link to the proposal [proposal link] for the aforementioned solution, including all technical and commercial details. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Email Proposal for Partnership

Subject line: A Strategic Partnership Proposal for [Your Company Name] and [Client Company Name]


Hi [Client Name],

We are one of the leading [your company name] who thinks outside the box.

We have cooperated with a renowned [client’s company] and would like to partner with you on our forthcoming projects.

Your work has been a huge source of inspiration for us. 

We would love to make an offer for partnership. We think that by working together, we can pioneer and make a significant effect on [Your company name and Client’s company name].

I’ve included a proposal pdf for further information. We look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks and regards, 

[Your Name]

Email Proposal for Marketing Services

Subject line: Boost Your Brand with [Your Company Name]’s Marketing Expertise


Hi [Client Name],

How are you doing? Since our last interaction, we have come up with an amazing marketing strategy to expand your business.

The modern business environment dictates that any organization must have a robust marketing plan. The proposal yields information on:

  • [Key Marketing Goals] including [List 2-3 Key Marketing Tactics].

We are confident that our services will make your brand shine brightly, invigorate your potential market target, and provide you with a significant return on investment in marketing.

Let’s schedule a consultation to discuss how we can make your brand shine.


[Your Name]

Project Proposal Email

Subject line: [Project Name] Proposal: Your Path to [Project Outcome]


Dear [Client Name],

Hope you are doing great. I’m [your name], the [Designation], of [Your company name]. I’m pleased to submit our proposal for [Project Name]. We have thoughtfully considered your needs and created a strategic approach.  Here’s what you can look forward to in the proposal [proposal link] – 

  • [Strategies and the USP]

Our proposal also includes a timeframe, budget, and information about the specific resources who will be working on this project. We are convinced that our efforts will yield an outstanding result that exceeds your expectations.

Let’s collaborate and make your business flourish.


[Your Name]

Business proposal email format

A well-structured business proposal email is essential for making a strong first impression and increasing the probability that your client will analyze the proposal thoroughly. Let’s break down the important aspects of a business proposal email and some terrible and excellent instances of best practices.

Subject Line

Purpose: To immediately convey your proposal’s gist and encourage the client to open the email.

Bad Example: Proposal” (Too vague and generic)

Good Example:Increasing Website Traffic by 20% – [Proposal Name]” (Specific, benefit-oriented, and creates curiosity)


Purpose: To establish a professional and personalized tone.

Bad Example: “Hey” (Too informal)

Good Example: Hello [Client Name]” or “Hi [Client Name]” (Professional and personalized)

Opening Lines/Body

Purpose: To concisely state your email’s purpose and highlight your proposal’s unique value proposition.

Bad Example:We are a leading provider of XYZ services…” (Focuses on your company instead of the client’s needs)

Good Example: I’m writing to share our proposal for [Project/Solution Name]. It is designed to address your specific challenges in [Specific Area].” (Client-centric and addresses their pain points)

Value Proposition

Purpose: To clearly articulate the benefits and outcomes your proposal will deliver.

Bad Example:Our proposal outlines our services in detail.” (Vague and doesn’t showcase the value)

Good Example: Our proposal outlines a customized solution that will streamline your operations, reduce costs by 15%, and increase efficiency by 20%.” (Specific and quantifiable benefits that resonate with the client)

Call to Action

Purpose: To encourage the reader to keep moving to where they need to go and get in touch with you for details if they want.

Bad Example: “Let me know what you think.” (lacks direction and motive)

Good Example: “When can we find time to talk about how this proposal can benefit your business? I’ve got time for a call on Thursday, 2nd February at 2:25 pm. Is your time available?” (Proactive, sets a clear agenda, and suggests a specific time)


Purpose: Closing the email in an effective and professional manner.

Bad Example:Thanks.” (Too casual)

Good Example: “Thanks for taking the time to read this proposal. We can’t wait to get started on this journey with you.” (Professional and expresses gratitude)

Professional Signature

Purpose: You may have to give your contact details and promote credibility in this area.

Bad Example: Lack of contact information or an unprofessional email

Good Example:

Your Name


Company Name

Phone Number

Email Address

Website (Optional)

Must-have email templates when submitting proposals

Here are some essential email templates you should consider:

1. The Initial Proposal Email:

Purpose: This is the initial communication you will send after submitting your proposal to the team. To be effective, it should be brief and straightforward. This email should urge the client to analyze the proposal properly.


Subject: [Project Name] Proposal Enclosed

Dear [Client Name],

I hope this email finds you well.

I’m pleased to share our proposal for [Project Name]. This detailed proposal explains our strategy, timeframe, budget, and the distinct value we bring to the table.

Please take a moment to review it. I’m available to answer any questions or discuss the proposal further as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

Why This Works: Its clean design lets the focus be on the content of your proposal. It also emphasizes on continued communication and shows that you are willing to respond to any queries the recipient might have.

2. The Automated Follow-Up Email:

Purpose: It is important to provide a follow-up with the potential client to revive the client’s interest in services offered by the company. 


Subject: Following Up on [Project Name] Proposal

Dear [Client Name],

I just wanted to check in and see whether you have had an opportunity to review the proposal for [Project Name].

I thought I’d reach out to see if you had any questions or thoughts. I will be delighted to explain the proposal in detail and discuss how we can tailor our approach to your specific requirements.

Feel free to reach me anytime on my end.


[Your Name]

Why This Works: The objective of this email is to remind the clients about the proposal again. The follow-up emails are essential to show that you are interested in the project and are willing to clarify any doubts. 

Read more: Sample Follow Up Email After Sending a Business Proposal

3. The Automated Thank You Email (Upon Acceptance):

Purpose: This email is sent to the client when they accept your proposal. This is an opportunity to say thank you, reinforce your interest in embarking on the project again, and point out some of the upcoming activities required.


Subject: Thank You for Choosing [Your Company Name] – [Project Name]

Dear [Client Name],

Thank you for approving our proposal for [Project Name]. We are really pleased to be working with you.

Our next step would be [Outline Next Steps, such as scheduling a kickoff meeting, sending a contract, etc.].

In the meantime, please feel free to ask if you have any queries.


[Your Name]

Why This Works: It is appropriate to write and send a thank-you email soon after the conversation to show the client that you appreciate the opportunity to work together.

How can Super Proposal help

Super Proposal takes over where your proposal creation ends. While you have crafted your compelling content, we streamline the delivery and tracking process to help you close deals faster.

Here’s how Super Proposal empowers you:

  • Follow-Ups: Follow up on the proposal submission with manual emails to keep the project fresh in the prospect’s mind.
  • Real-Time Audit Trails: Find out how potential clients interact with your offer. This includes tracking when the proposal was last opened and identifying section which are popular.
  • Collaboration Made Easy: Nothing beats sharing your team’s access to the proposal and related documents for revisions and changes.
  • E-Signatures for Swift Closure: Facilitate signing your proposals and agreements electronically and save time.
  • Advanced Editing on the Fly: The interface also allows for dealing with and correcting client feedback in real time. 


Just bear in mind that the email needs to be short, attention-grabbing, and, if possible, must be personalized. It should compel the client to open your proposal and think of a successful partnership.

Are you ready to make your proposal process easier and have your client’s contracts signed instantly? Try Super Proposal today and start with our 15-day free trial offer. See how our proposal templates, notifications, real-time analytics, and advanced collaboration features can significantly enhance your proposal management strategy. 

Check our additional resources:

  1. Professional services proposal templates
  2. Marketing proposal template
  3. Online Signature Generator
  4. Top Proposify Alternatives
  5. Top Qwilr Alternatives

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Secure every pitch that you make with Super Proposal. Craft winning proposals, share and track them on a single, comprehensive platform.

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  • Angelica Naidu Super Proposal Writer

    Angelica is a content strategist passionate about helping B2B SaaS companies tell their stories and drive results. With years of experience creating content for software-based industries, she develops strategies to grow and scale Super Proposal on search engines.

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Angelica Naidu
Angelica Naidu
Angelica is a content strategist passionate about helping B2B SaaS companies tell their stories and drive results. With years of experience creating content for software-based industries, she develops strategies to grow and scale Super Proposal on search engines.

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