Online Signature Generator

Our Online Signature Generator makes signing documents fast, simple, and secure.
Gone are the days of printing, scanning, mailing, and waiting for physical signatures. Use our digital signature maker to create and sign PDFs, contract and other legal documents.

Draw Signature

Type Signature

Need to Add your Signature on a Document or Contract?

Craft Your Perfect E-Signature

Skip the pen and paper! Super Proposal offers two ways to create a signature online. Draw your own personalized signature with our Handwritten Signature Generator, or type it in cursive using our Cursive Signature Generator. We will convert your typed signature into a beautiful digital version, keeping that classic cursive flair.

Flexible E-Signature Solutions for Documents of Any Kind

Super Proposal E-signatures creator tool goes beyond just creating your perfect e-signature. We offer a secure platform with features to manage your e-signatures effectively. With our editing tools, you can quickly refine your e-signature until it’s exactly how you want it. Once you have created your ideal signature, save it for future use. Also, with just a click, send the document for electronic signatures. Real-time tracking keeps you informed of the document signing progress.

And the best part? Super Proposal E-signatures are entirely cross-platform compatible. Create an e-signature online from your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Experience the ultimate convenience, security, and flexibility online with Super Proposal’s signature maker. Get started today!

What is a Signature Generator?

A signature generator is an online tool used to create a digital copy of your handwritten signature through a drawing or via typing your name.

Its primary purpose is to sign documents electronically, replacing the pen-and-paper method. You can also save the digital version of your sign for future use.  

To use it, upload the PDF or Doc file, sign it, and download it.

You can customize or edit your sign, however, it is not advisable as the lack of authenticity will have legal implications.

How to Use Our Free Online Signature Generator to Sign Documents

Sign Documents Electronically in Minutes with Super Proposal E-Signatures! Our secure and user-friendly platform allows you to sign any document electronically in just a few simple steps:

Upload Your Document:

Start by uploading the document you want to sign electronically. Super Proposal accepts many file formats, including PDFs, Word documents, JPGs, and more. Simply drag and drop your document onto the designated upload area or browse your files to select the document you wish to sign.

Create or Select Your Signature:

Now it’s time to add your signature! If you still need to create your e-signature, you can use Super Proposal’s online signature creator. It generates a signature online in seconds. Choose between our handwritten signature online or cursive signature generator to create a personalized e-signature that perfectly reflects your style.

Place Your Signature:

Click on the document where you want to add your signature. Super Proposal allows you to position your signature where it needs to be easy.

Add Initials, Dates, or Text:

In addition to your signature, you may also need to add initials, dates, or other text to the document. Super Proposal provides you with the tools to easily add this information electronically.

Send for Signatures:

If the document or proposal template requires signatures from others, you can easily send it out for electronic signing. Super Proposal lets you specify who needs to sign, set deadlines, and track the signing process in real-time.

Sign the Document:

Once you have placed your signature and any extra info, click to sign the document. Super Proposal uses secure legally binding online signatures.

Save or Send the Completed Document:

Once you have signed the document, you can save it for your records or send it to others electronically. Super Proposal makes it easy to manage your signed documents and track essential agreements.

What Can You Use Electronic Signatures For?

Super Proposal E-signatures are perfect for a wide range of documents, including:

Benefits of an Electronic Signature

Legally Binding

E-signatures are legally valid in many countries, including the U.S. (ESIGN Act) and the EU (eIDAS). Without mutual intent, explicit consent, identity verification and a tamper-proof document, the signature is not enforceable.

More Security

Backed by strong legal frameworks, e-signatures offer more security than traditional contracts. Features like digital audit trails, recipient authentication, and data backups ensure the documents are safe, tamper-proof, and legally binding.


With everything centralised in one place, such as real-time status updates and document tracking, approvals are faster, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty from the recipient.

No Paper cost & Reduced Administrative Workload

E-signature tools save the cost of printing, scanning, and mailing documents. The reduced need for manual data entry decreases administrative workload and investment.

For instance, Adobe found that 61% of managers saw cost savings through e-signatures, and even Dropbox reported an impressive $120 million in savings due to reduced printing needs.

Fewer Document Errors

E-signatures ensure every field is filled out correctly, reducing errors and check-ins with clients. Studies suggest it reduces the likelihood of mistakes by 80%.

Increases Close Rates

Time kills deals. E-signature tools speed up the process. Faster closings mean more completed deals and better business outcomes.

Positive ROI

Adopting e-signatures can save companies up to 85% on document handling (MSB Docs). With affordable setup and support, savings on paper alone lead to a positive ROI.

Why use the Super Proposal Online Signature Creator Tool

Super Proposal Online Signature Creator Tool offers a powerful, user-friendly solution for managing electronic signatures. Here’s why it should be your go-to choice:

  • Free and Easy to Use: Create and download unlimited e-signatures without any hidden fees. 
    The Perfect Alternative to Manual Signatures: Supports various input methods, such as touchpads, styluses, and trackpads, allowing you to replicate your handwritten signature online or create a new one digitally.
  • Effortless Integration: Download your e-signature in a PNG format with a transparent background. Then, you can add it seamlessly to any document using editing software.
  • Unmatched Privacy: We prioritize your security. Our free online signature maker doesn’t store any private data. You have complete control over your e-signature, and your information remains confidential.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Super Proposal goes beyond e-signatures. Explore our productivity tools to scan documents, combine PDFs, and manage your files digitally. Combine scanned documents with your e-signatures to create a secure and efficient workflow.
  • Tailored for Your Needs: We understand the importance of a comprehensive document management strategy. Super Proposal empowers you to manage your documents effectively.


What is an Online Signature Generator?

An online signature generator, also known as a handwritten or cursive signature generator, allows you to create a digital representation of your signature. You can either type or draw your signature and download it in the pdf format. We provide a user-friendly interface for both methods, allowing you to craft a signature that reflects your style.

How do I create a handwritten signature?

Are you going to use my signature after I create one on this page?

Is using an online signature generator tool secure?

What file formats can I download my generated signature in?

Is there a cost associated with using your online signature generator tool?

Our online cursive signature generator is entirely free to use. You can create and download as many Esignatures as you want.
Sign up right now to add your signature on a document or contract.

Can I sign any document with an eSignature I download from this site?

While esignatures are widely accepted for many documents, there might be situations where a wet signature is still required. For instance, legal contracts or loan agreements might have specific signing protocols. It’s always best to confirm the acceptance of eSignatures with the recipient before using them on critical documents.

How do I create a digital signature in PDF for free?

Many online signature generators, including Super Proposal’s tool, offer a “draw” option. This feature allows you to use your mouse, touchpad, or stylus to recreate your physical signature on the screen. Super Proposal ensures a smooth experience by supporting various input methods.

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