Terms & conditions

This Agreement affects your legal rights and obligations. If you do not agree to be bound by all of the terms of use set forth in this Agreement, do not access or use the service.


The availment and use of our services, support plans and the use of this website indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms and Conditions which we provide and set forth below. If you do not accept these provisions, do not avail our services or use this Website. Throughout the content of our Website, the ‘You’ word is used for a visitor to this website, who either visits, purchases or is willing to purchase the services of Super Proposal (“Services”), and ‘We’, ‘Our’, or ‘Us’ is used for the company naming Super Proposal. We reserve all rights to change these Terms and Conditions. Please check these Terms and Conditions periodically for changes and read them carefully. Your continued use of the Super Proposal Website following the posting of changes to these Terms and Conditions will mean you accept those changes. Electronic Form/Communications. By accessing the Super Proposal Website, you consent to having these Terms and Conditions provided to you in electronic form and receiving communications from us electronically. We may communicate with you by postal mail, e-mail or by posting notices on the Super Proposal Website. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirements that such communications be in writing.

Your Account

In order to access some features of the Service, you may be required to register an account (an “Account”). When creating, registering for, or updating an Account, you are required to provide us with certain personal information, including your username and e-mail address. This information will be held and used in accordance with our Privacy Policy at https://superproposal.com/privacy-policy/ . If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, or Super Proposal has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, Super Proposal has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Super Proposal Services (or any portion thereof). You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your Account. You agree to immediately notify Super Proposal of any unauthorized use of your Account or any other breach of security at support@superproposal.com

Your Use of the Services

When you use the Service, you represent and agree to the following:

Unauthorized/Illegal Usage

Super Proposal is an independent company registered in Illinois with its principal offices in California . The information contained through the content of this Website, is provided purely for informational purposes regarding our company and its products.


The details of fees and charges for any service, membership or product are supplied to you during the ordering process or via the Website or over the telephone. According to our Terms and Conditions, you consent to pay the agreed upon charges applicable to your selected service, as well as any applicable tax or other charges levied in the plan draft.

Privacy Policy

Super Proposal Privacy Policy, which is a primary part of these Terms and Conditions, can be accessed through an exclusive page on this Website, at https://superproposal.com/privacy-policy/ . Reviewing and agreeing with the Privacy Policy, is mandatory for the customers, before agreeing to these Terms and conditions.

Billing and Payments

  1. If you select a paid Services level, you may choose to subscribe and pay for the Services on either a monthly or annual basis and Super Proposal will bill the account administrator in advance for use of the Services. Current pricing for monthly and annual paid levels are as set forth on the Super Proposal Website, and Super Proposal reserves the right to modify pricing at any time, provided however that Super Proposal will notify the account administrator of a paid level account by email prior to any monthly or annual price increase affecting that account. If you upgrade to a higher paid level or tier, Super Proposal will credit any remaining balance from your previous subscription payment to your new level or tier. You may choose to discontinue your paid level account at any time; however, Super Proposal does not issue refunds for unused subscription periods.
  2. You agree to maintain valid and up-to-date billing information on file with Super Proposal. You may update this billing information at any time in your Account settings.
  3. All payments due are in U.S. dollars, unless otherwise indicated on the subscription pricing page or invoice.
    1. Credit Card or Debit Card. Fees for accounts where you are paying with a credit card, debit card or other non-invoice form of payment are due at the beginning of the month for which Services will be provided to you. For credit cards, or debit cards: (i) Super Proposal will charge you for all fees when due at the beginning of each service month or year, as applicable; and (ii) these fees are considered delinquent if not received at the start of each service month or year.
    2. Invoices. Payments for invoices are due ten days after the invoice date, unless otherwise specified, and are considered delinquent after such date.
    3. Renewal. For paid levels, at the end of each annual or monthly subscription period (as applicable), the Services will automatically renew for an additional year or month, respectively. If you wish to change your subscription level or term, the account administrator must change the settings in the account administration console provided as part of the Services.
    4. Other Forms of Payment. Super Proposal may enable other forms of payment by making them available in the account administration and payments page. These other forms of payment may be subject to additional terms which you may have to accept prior to using the additional forms of payment.
  4. Super Proposal will endeavor to notify you (or in the case of a Team account, your account administrator) if your paid account has delinquent fees. If delinquent fees are not paid, Super Proposal will automatically downgrade your account to a free Super Proposal account and/or suspend your use of the Services.
  5. You are responsible for any taxes, duties, and customs fees associated with the sale of the Services (other than Super Proposal’s income tax) (collectively “Taxes”), and you will pay Super Proposal for the Services without any reduction for Taxes. If Super Proposal is obligated to collect or pay Taxes, the Taxes will be invoiced to you, unless you provide Super Proposal with a valid tax exemption certificate authorized by the appropriate taxing authority. If you are required by law to withhold any Taxes from your payments to Super Proposal, you must provide Super Proposal with an official tax receipt or other appropriate documentation to support such payments.
  6. These billing and payment terms may not apply if you are not subscribing to the Services directly from Super Proposal.

Ending your relationship with Super Proposal

  1. The Terms and Conditions will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Super Proposal as set out below.
  2. If you want to terminate your legal agreement with Super Proposal, you may do so by (a) notifying Super Proposal at any time and (b) closing your accounts for all of the Services which you use, where Super Proposal has made this option available to you. Your notice should be sent, in writing, to Super Proposal’s address which is 33170 Alvarado Niles Rd #2231 Union City, CA 94587.
  3. Super Proposal may at any time, terminate its legal agreement with you for any of the following reasons:
    1. if you have breached any provision of the Terms and Conditions (or have acted in a manner which clearly shows that you do not intend to, or are unable to comply with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions); or
    2. if Super Proposal is required to do so by law (for example, where the provision of the Services to you is, or becomes, unlawful); or
    3.  if Super Proposal is transitioning to no longer providing the Services to users in the area in which you are resident or from which you use the Services; or
    4.  if the provision of the Services to you by Super Proposal is, in Super Proposal’s opinion, no longer commercially viable.
  4. In addition, Super Proposal may terminate its legal agreement with you, for any reason or no reason, by giving you 5 days’ written notice to the email address you provided when you registered for Super Proposal, or if applicable, an updated email you have since provided as your registered email address with Super Proposal. If we discontinue your access to the Services at the end of this 5 day period, our termination will be effective at the end of this period, and we will refund any prepaid, unused subscription fees for the Services as soon as practicable thereafter. Otherwise, no fees are refundable, and you may continue using the Services through the end of your subscription period, at which point our termination will become effective.
  5. Nothing in this Section shall affect Super Proposal’s rights regarding provision of Services under Section 4 of the Terms and Conditions.
  6. When these Terms and Conditions come to an end, all of the legal rights, obligations and liabilities that you and Super Proposal have benefited from, been subject to (or which have accrued over time whilst the Terms and Conditions have been in force) or which are expressed to continue indefinitely, shall be unaffected by this cessation, and the provisions of these Terms and Conditionns shall continue to apply to such rights, obligations and liabilities indefinitely.
  7. If your Super Proposal account is canceled, your information on our Servers may be deactivated but not deleted. We do not actively delete your profile information, for example your name and email address. Any content that you do not wish to remain on our servers after ending your relationship with Super Proposal should be deleted by you prior to closing your account or you may submit a request to delete such information to us at support@superproposal.com.

Modification to Super Proposal Services

Super Proposal reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Services (or any part thereof) with or without notice. Super Proposal makes no representations with respect to the availability of the Services at any particular time. You agree that Super Proposal shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension, unavailability, or discontinuance of the Services (or any part thereof).

Super Proposal is not responsible and liable for any damages resulting from improper implementation onsite. It is the responsibility of system contractor to cross verify each component of the design published by Super Proposal before implementation onsite.


You agree to indemnify and hold Super Proposal and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, employees, partners and licensors harmless from all costs, liabilities, and damages Super Proposal incurs, including without limitation its reasonable attorneys’ fees, with respect to all claims, demands, proceedings, and actions of any kind whatsoever, made or brought by any third party due to or arising out of your use or misuse of the Services; any images, files, or content you upload while using the Services or Super Proposal’s Website; any violation of the copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights of another through your use of the Services; your connection to the Services; your violation of any terms of these Terms and Conditions; or your violation of any rights of another.

Disclaimer of Warranties

The Super Proposal Services Are Provided “as Is” And “as Available” Without Warranty Of Any Kind. Super Proposal Hereby Disclaims All Warranties, Either Express Or Implied, Including, But Not Limited To, Implied Warranties Of Merchantability, Fitness For A Particular Purpose, Title And Non-infringement; Availability Of The Service; Lack Of Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses, Or Other Code That Manifests Contaminating Or Destructive Properties; Accuracy, Completeness, Reliability, Timeliness, Currency, Or Usefulness Of Any Information Through The Service—including But Not Limited To Any Typographical Errors Relating To A Reward Offer; And Any Duties Of Reasonable Care, Workmanlike Effort Or Lack Of Negligence In Connection With The Service, Content And Materials On The Application And/or Site. The Entire Risk As To Satisfactory Quality, Performance, Accuracy And Effort In Connection With The Service, Content, Materials And Applications Is Borne By You. Super Proposal Shall Not Be Responsible For Any Loss Of Data Or Other Material. Some Jurisdictions Do Not Allow The Exclusion Of Or Limitations On Implied Warranties, So The Above Exclusions And Limitations May Not Apply To You

Limitation of Liability

You Expressly Understand And Agree That Super Proposal And Its Subsidiaries, Affiliates, Officers, Employees, Agents, Partners And Licensors Shall Not Be Liable To You And/or Any Other Person For Any Punitive, Indirect, Incidental, Special, Consequential Or Exemplary Damages, Including, But Not Limited To, Damages For Loss Of Profits, Goodwill, Use, Data Or Other Intangible Losses (Even If Super Proposal Has Been Advised Of The Possibility Of Such Damages), That Arise Out Of Or Are Related To The Service, Its Contents, Or Rewards, Or To Any Breach Of This Agreement, Even If We Have Been Advised Of The Possibility Of Such Damages And Even In The Event Of Fault, Tort (Including Negligence) Or Strict Or Product Liability. You Further Specifically Acknowledge That Super Proposal Is Not Liable, And You Agree Not To Seek To Hold Super Proposal Liable, For The Conduct Of Third Parties, Including Other Users Of The Service And Operators Of External Sites/applications And Services—including But Not Limited To Third-party Payment Processors. To The Fullest Extent Allowed By Law, You Agree That Your Sole And Exclusive Remedy For Any Dispute With Super Proposal Is To Stop Using Super Proposal, The Service, And To Cancel Your Account. You Hereby Release Us And Our Affiliates From Any And All Obligations, Liabilities And Claims. Some States Do Not Allow The Exclusion Or Limitation Of Incidental Or Consequential Damages, So The Above Limitations Or Exclusions May Not Apply To You.


  1. Entire Agreement. These Terms and Conditions constitutes the entire agreement between you and Super Proposal and governs your use of the Services. These Terms and Conditions supersede and replace any prior version of these Terms and Conditions between you and Super Proposal with respect to the Services. You also may be subject to additional terms and conditions that may apply when you use or purchase certain other parts of the Services, affiliate services, third-party content or third-party software.
  2. Choice of Law and Forum. You and Super Proposal each agree that these Terms and Conditions and the relationship between the parties shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois without regard to conflict of law provisions and that any and all claims, causes of action or disputes (regardless of theory) arising out of or relating to these Terms and Conditions, or the relationship between you and Super Proposal, shall be brought exclusively in the courts of the State of Illinois located in Chicago, Illinois. You and Super Proposal agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located within Chicago, Illinois, and agree to waive any and all objections to the exercise of jurisdiction over the parties by such courts and to venue in such courts.
  3. Waiver and Severability. The failure of Super Proposal to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions are found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties’ intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions remain in full force and effect.
  4. Section Titles. The section titles in these Terms and Conditions are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect.
  5. Relationship Between You and Super Proposal. No relationship shall exist between you and Super Proposal in the nature of a joint venture, common enterprise, partnership, franchise, or agency. You agree that you will not take any action, make any representation, or allow any condition to exist or continue which could imply or create an agency or other relationship between you and Super Proposal other than the contractual relationship created under these Terms and Conditions. You use this Service solely on your own behalf, not on behalf of or for the benefit of Super Proposal nor subject to any direction by Super Proposal besides the enforcement of these Terms and Conditions.

Contact Us: If you have a question or issue relating to your Services or Subscription, such as wanting to change your mailing address, please email us at support@superproposal.com

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